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Total Commander 8.0 Rus Beta 2
24.09.2011, 22:58

Total Commander - популярный файловый менеджер с практически всеми необходимыми для таких программ функциями. Кроме всех функциональностей, характерных для файловых менеджеров, в Total Commander встроены очень удобные просмотрщики для мультимедиа и графических файлов, распаковщики ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE и дополнительные dll для других архивных файлов; встроенный ftp-клиент - вообще просто прелесть: можно скачивать/закачивать файлы в несколько потоков, есть докачка, поддержка www-прокси при работе с ftp и есть даже такая функция, как подключение-скачивание-отключение в заданное время к заданному ftp. 
Не будут лишними и такие функции, как UUE/MIME/XXE кодирование/декодирование и разрезка/склейка длинных файлов, а также множество других функций, крайне необходимых для работы с файлами.

What's New in This Release:
Fixed: Support translation of shortcuts in Lister main menu (64)
Fixed: Problem with FTP downloads causing strange crashes (64)
Fixed: Menu bar not drawn correctly by Lazarus if it had a left to right gradient (64)
Fixed: Editing the current path (by clicking behind it) resulted in an empty path field on some systems (64)
Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" only supported English characters (64)
Fixed: Command line: Various hotkeys including Ctrl+K and ENTER not working (64)
Fixed: Selecting a file with space didn't update the footer (64)
Fixed: Lister: view large image with internal viewer, switch from full size to "fit to window" and back -> vertical scrollbar was missing (64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: The speed limit wasn't loaded when the dialog was created (32/64)
Fixed: Dual screen, TC on secondary screen -> the overwrite confirmation dialog was shown on the primary screen (64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdowns didn't have any border -> modify Lazarus component library (64)
Added: Search function: Save current search text before starting a search, so Lister plugins can access it (32/64)
Fixed: Splash screen: an additional icon appeared in the taskbar (64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Main window focus was lost, and additional icons appeared in the taskbar (64)
Fixed: Some controls were overlapping in main configuration dialog with Windows classic theme (64)
Fixed: Maximize main window, minimize to tray, click on tray icon -> window wasn't maximized any more (64)
Fixed: Some more shortcut keys on buttons were not working, e.g. in button bar change dialog (64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow while comparing by content (64)
Fixed: Beep sound when renaming file in place -> removed (64)
Fixed: Thumbs view: Alpha blending (transparency) not handled correctly, folders look ugly (64)
Fixed: Selection with mouse in brief view not working correctly, caret sometimes shown twice (64)
Fixed: Passive mode not working with IPv6 (PreferIPv6=1 in wincmd.ini) (64)
Fixed: Let Lazarus draw the main menu bar (64)
Fixed: Tree: [+] indicator too large when using Windows classic theme (32/64)
Fixed: Custom message box (e.g. when deleting read-only files): Shift+Cursor keys was not working (64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Selection wasn't removed when switching edit mode off (64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Could no longer select text with the mouse (32/64)
Fixed: Exceptions in external C/C++ dlls (e.g. when aborting RAR unpacking) cause TC to crash (Ctrl+C hit) due to bad exception handling in free pascal (64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Button [N#-#] did not work correctly, it always returned the entire range (64)
Fixed: The sorting header did not have a separator line above it to the current path (64)
Fixed: Arrows in the sorting header (showing the sort direction) were not filled when using Windows classic theme (64)
Fixed: After switching from full to brief view or back, some files could suddenly be selected (64)
Fixed: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved just above the tabs (64)
Fixed: Main and Lister window position were restored incorrectly when the Windows task bar was on the left side (64)
Added: Show version 8 in properties of installation auto-extractor and installer (32/64)
Fixed: In some dialogs like the overwrite confirmation dialog, hotkeys for buttons were not working (64)
Fixed: CRC check dialog: The button used to jump to the next/previous error wasn't moved when resizing the dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Brief view: Name/Ext/.. headers not resized correctly when maximizing or restoring (64)
Fixed: Program started without any tabs - mode with 2 panels above each other not restored (64)
Fixed: noclose.exe/noclose64.exe wasn't included in the installer. It's used to open a command line program and keep the window open (Shift+ENTER) (32/64)
Fixed: TC didn't start on Windows 9x/ME/2000 due to a missing function -> load it dynamically (32)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack multiple dirs, each to a separate subdir -> two dots instead of one before extension (64)
Fixed: FTP: All stored passwords not protected with a master password could not be loaded (64)
Fixed: The title bar didn't show the "Beta" character in all languages (e.g. Russian) (32)
Fixed: Double click/press ENTER on file with internal association in an archive would open the file twice, both with the internal and the system association (32/64)
Fixed: By default, look for tcmatch64.dll instead of tcmatch.dll (64)
Fixed: FTPS: load libeay32.dll first, because it's used by the other OpenSSL dll -> makes sure the right dll is used (32/64)
Fixed: x64: Look for ssl dlls in subdir "64" if they couldn't be loaded from TC directory (e.g. because the 32-bit dlls are there) (64)
Fixed: Crash verifying certain wincmd.key files (Reason: error porting assembler to 64-bit) (64)
Fixed: Lister: Images not centered initially if larger than the screen (64)
Fixed: Progress dialog (file operations): ENTER key sometimes triggered Abort instead of the focused button (64)
Fixed: English help file: Section about wincmd.ini was cut off (32/64)
Fixed: Self-extracting installer: Bad progress bar (due to bug in Lazarus str function) (64)
Fixed: Lister: Scrollbars not working when viewing image files (32)
Fixed: File system, lister and content plugins: Plugin not loaded if the path contained an environment variable (64)
Fixed: With Windows basic theme (AeroGlass off), file tooltips were not completely removed if their height changed (64)
Fixed: Buttonbar: When loading new bar with OPENBAR command, the window size wasn't adjusted if the bar height changed (64)
Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: Menu breaks (continue menu at the top right) were not supported by Lazarus, added manually (64)
Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: didn't receive WM_MEASUREITEM messages, so the lines would be too small (64)
Fixed: Focus is lost for a short moment when closing the button bar configuration dialog (64)
Fixed: Search using list file: Ignore empty lines in file, they were erroneously interpreted as the location of the list file (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog box font was only 2 pixel high when choosing a different charset in Configuration - Options - Fonts for dialog boxes (64)
Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Clicking on "\" button (the one without icon) went to network neighborhood instead of going to the root (only when drive dropdown list was off) (64)
Fixed: Ctrl+V in command line pasted the same string twice (64)
Fixed: Command line didn't show up on cursor right or cursor left when it was hidden via configuration (64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool / change attributes: F2 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't choose anything (64)
Fixed: Alt+F1 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't switch the drive (64)

Год выпуска: 2011
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: multilanguage/русский
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 7.28 Мб

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